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Travel Journal

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Journal Entry:

Thursday, July 11, 2024 07:25:44

Galapagos Islands on yacht Passion 2024: 1 - Getting organized

It has been a very long time since I reported the trips we have taken. I have no good excuse, but our lives have been very busy with work as we continued to build our businesses in Costa Rica. We are very well established here, and have both become Costa Rican citizens. This gives us dual citizenship with our Canadian citizenship.

It seems some of you enjoyed travelling with me from your home, and have encouraged a return to the trip stories, so here is the first new one. This trip was Marilynn's idea, intended to bring our now extended and far flung family together on a joint trip. We are now in our 80s, so leaning towards more comfortable travel styles. For this trip we have chartered the yacht Passion to explore the Galapagos Islands with family and friends. For more information on the boat you can find it by typing into Google search "Galapagos Passion".

Marilynn did most of the organization, choosing when to go that was convenient for the most family members. She then went looking for a yacht that would accommodate up to 14 people in comfort. To help in this part she called upon the services of Ashton Palmer, who now owns the adventure cruise company Expedition Trips in Seattle, Washington. For us, he is the best in the business, knowing the business from below decks as a crew member on the ship Explorer. We met in 1996 on one of our first adventure cruises, which stopped at most of the Atlantic Islands from Tenerife to South Georgia in the Antarctic. He knows the business from the ground up and saved us a lot of money.

Marilynn's next trip was to find out who could come and work with to schedule times, and then to arrange air fare to get everyone to the Islands. In some cases it required an overnight in Guayaquil, Ecuador to catch the flight to the Galapagos Island. It turned out to be a bigger task than Marilynn thought, as family members changed plans. Our grandkids are now well scattered, in universities in London, England, Montreal, Edmonton, Victoria and Vancouver. Our first generate group have jobs, companies and other obligations that had to be worked around as well. It was no small task, but it eventually came together. Marilynn's brother and his wife, plus the wonderful lady who got our car into China when it looked like that around the world trip would have to be changed is coming with her son.